Happy New Year



Happy New Year! Even though every new day is full of endless possibilities, it’s nice to rip “12/31” off the calendar & see “1/1”, isn’t it?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it, 2013 was a toughie, but I made it through & so did my loved ones, for which I am very thankful. This new year will surely be filled with ups & downs as well, but I’m excited to see where it will take me. Resolutions are not really my thing, but there are goals I want to accomplish- in running, my career, writing & outlook on life in general. In 2014, I vow to myself, my loved ones & the universe: each day when I wake up I will do my best to love, to live, to laugh & BT2Me.

Where do you hope 2014 leads you?

Happiness & Blessings to all!

~Enjoy. Love. Laugh. Live & Always BT2U.~

A Christmas Moment ~ Day 23~


~One of my favorite things about Christmas is seeing the festive holiday decorations. Each year, I enjoy taking a drive around the town (where ever I may be) to take a look, and “ooh” & “ahh”. There’s just something about twinkling lights that make the season seem so magical!…What are your thoughts on holiday lights- go all out like the Griswold’s or keep it simple yet festive?~

~Enjoy. Live. Love. Laugh. Capture the Memories & Always BT2U~